Medical Emergency Reasons are as follows:
(1) Medical Emergency like accidents, poisonings or burns recognized as “urgent” by everybody.
(2) Amongst medical emergency- there are some which are recognized by everybody but others are not. The following conditions are recognized as urgent.
(a) when a patient has passed a lot of blood in the vomit, sputum, through nose or rectum, etc.
(b) He develops severe difficulty in breathing and becomes breathless.
(c) he gets a fit or a convulsion.
(d) he develops severe excruciating pain in the tummy or chest, etc.
(3) But there are other medical emergency –
where the patient emergencies does not ‘look’ serious or does not have “so called” serious complaints.
(a)Heart attack (myocardial infarction) should never be missed. Refer to flow chart on chest pain. Remember the chest discomfort or pain may be very mild, but it is the appearance of profuse sweating or a vomit or breathlessness, which should make you suspicious. Tell the patient to chew one tablet of Aspirin.
(b) A slight weakness of one half of the body (For generalized weakness refer to flow chart on weakness) specially in a person who has been a known, long standing diabetic or a patient of high blood pressure or a heavy smoker and a drinker-may be an attack of T.IA. (transient ischaemic attack). Even if the patient recovers within a few minutes, immediate opinion from a specialist and giving a tablet of Aspirin will prevent an attack of permanent paralysis.
(c) Patients who are passing slight amount of blood in the vomit, sputum or stool may suddenly pass a huge quantity, necessitating immediate blood transfusion. Such patients therefore should not travel and should be under constant medical supervision.
Do not avoid Intensive Care Units
(4)The huge amount of money spent by the patient for a day or two is worthwhile because of the facilities present. But if his financial condition is not very good (once 24 to 48 hours have passed, the danger is less) he should be told to remain in the hospital or the nursing home, but outside the intensive care unit. If worst comes to worse, he can be shifted back to Intensive Care Unit immediately because he is already an indoor patient of the hospital.
(5) Do not positively think of giving diseases like AIDS and Jaundice blood transfusion. Now we know that viruses can be transmitted through blood. Transfusion should be given
(6) Any severe pain in the right lower only when absolutely necessary. tummy, associated with vomiting calls for excluding an attack of appendix. If the blood test does not show an elevated white cell count and sonography done now is normal, the operation may be postponed provided the patient is staying near a hospital or a nursing home. Such patients are safe as long as no food is given by mouth, and antibiotics and glucose are given by injection.
(7) There are few medical emergency where immediate hospitalization can be avoided. Once the patient hospitalized, extensive investigations are carried out and within few hours, the medical bill rises by leaps and bounds. A good example is-
(a) an attack of low blood sugar in diabetic patient
An attack of a fit and convulsion is known case of epilepsy And need medical emergency
(b)Unfortunately, the history of epilepsy is not available and often it is the first fit in the life of an epilepsy patient.
(8) A patient passing slight blood from any orifice should be under medical observation and need medical emergency. Instead of becoming panicky and hospitalizing the patient, he should be moved to a place, which is within easy reach of a hospital or a Nursing home, with facility to give blood transfusion. Very often, such small bleeds stop by themselves.
(9) One of the most severe pains in the body is that of a kidney stone. The patient and the family members will be relieved to know that during this attack, the stone is passing down and therefore no operation will be required to remove it. Like a delivery of a baby (which is always painful), nature is trying to deliver the stone outside the body. Therefore, tell the patient to thank God, take a pain relieving injection and try to tolerate the pain. No hospitalization is required. Sonography and X-ray KUB should be done
If he has severe headache, neck stiffness with fever and/or drowsiness, rush to a hospital or call a specialist, to exclude brain haemorrhage or meningitis.
Thank you