Excessive Crying is one of the common symptoms during neonatal period and early infancy. During this period the child can express his discomfort or displeasure only by crying and many a time it is a frustrating experience for the parents because the child just goes on crying continuously.
The child may be brought to the General Practitioner with only one symptom and that is excessive crying. Before giving symptomatic treatment it is better to find out the cause of excessive crying. Some of the common causes of excessive crying in neonates and infants are-
1. Abdominal Colic2. Fever due to any cause3. Excessive cold leading to blockage of nasal cavity and excessive pressure over ear drum4. H/0 trauma: Head injury, trauma to soft tissues and bones5. Post vaccination: Due to fever, pain and induration due to triple antigen6. Insect bite7. Metabolic causes: Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia8. CNS causes: Due to cerebral irri- tability9. Indiscriminate use of drugs: Like nasal drops, ephedrine10. Fungal infection of ear and otorrhea
Ask about the history of trauma, fever: Prior to excessive crying. Inquire about the duration of excessive crying and the medicines given for the same. Ask about the history of vomiting, otorrhea, constipation, distension of abdomen.
Apart from routine examination look for:1. Any sign of trauma2. Building of anterior or posterior fontanelle3. Discharge from ear or fungal infection of ear4. Nasal cavity: For excessive secre- tion or nasal block5. Chest and abdomen: For respira- tory tract infection and distension of abdomen6. Anal canal for perianal excoriation and anal fissure7. Any indication of insect bite
After careful examination, sedate the child with Promethazine (Phenergan) or Promeprazine (Vallergan) 0.5 mg/kg/ dose. Sometimes passing flatus tube gives dramatic relief. After settling the child treat the specific cause of exces- sive crying. The child should be kept under observation for next 2 days when crying may be revealed. the additional causes of the excessive crying may be revealed.
Excessive crying is the best symptoms to determine the cause of problems but it can be because of any reason ,so to understand the cause of excessive crying its important to find the problem first.sometimes neonates cry because of discomfort like as of clothing,urine pass,stoool pass,pain in abdomen,hunger for milk,fever and many more.
But trauma ,ear discharge,nose discharge ,diarhea are most common symptoms.
so ,always contact to nearest doctor and hospital if the crying of baby is out of control and seeek for medical help and always try to contact pedia doctor or Bal rog chikitsa for better understanding and proper treatment,you can also use ayurvedic medicine.
For better result you should follow the guide line provided by WHO (World Health Organisation) and Ayurvedic care and Treatment can boost your meditation and child can heal properly ,mother has to be very carefull towards her child and she should also follow that guide line ,Crying of neonatal may be by any reson,but proper care and time to time checkup of neonatal to pediatric doctor can give proper idea about his recovery and after that you can continue that treatment which is helping that neonatal.
There are some clinic which provide proper care under there observation but they can be very costly ,so you can go for routine checkup and save some money which in last help your kid for proper treatment , you can make proper diet chart,sleep chart ,stool chart ,urine chart for better understandin your neonal.
NOTE- Do not follow any treatment And medicine provided here ,please consult nearest hospital and talk to your doctor.This artical is only for knowledge purpose.Team-DailyayurvedicThank you